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Writer's pictureNephilimGG

LoR Deck: No Champ Aggro (NXPZ)

This is as budget as you can get for an aggro deck and was designed with new players in mind for getting into Runeterra. The deck itself contains 34 commons and 6 rares, which total 5200 shards.

Face is the Place.


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The focus of this deck is to get as much damage done to your opponent's nexus before they can stabilize. This is done through creature combat, but more importantly through interactions between your creatures. For example: Cimson Disciple is a powerful card that can deal fair amounts of damaged when paired with other creatures, such as Imperial Demolitionist. Imperial Demo is a new card from the latest expansion, that deals damage to your other creatures for the payoff of dealing damage to the enemy nexus. When you combine this with the self-harm ability of Disciple in dealing damage to the enemy nexus after surviving damage, it creates immediate damage that your opponent will have difficulty mitigating. Note: This 2 card combo hits for 20% of your opponent's starting life total. Other notable interactions are Crimson Curator and Transfusion. You can use transfusion in order to buff another creature, say Disciple to give it a longer lifespan, and generate another crimson body in hand (Disciple, Curator, Aristocrat, Awakener). Blood for Blood is also a really good card for making more copies of Crimson Disciple, Curator, or even a Boomcrew Rookie. Speaking of the Rookie, it wouldn't be a Noxus aggro list if it didn't have Boomcrew Rookie and Legion Sabateur to push some nexus damage through combat. Combine this with the Legion Grenadier to complete the trifecta, and you have a nice suite of creatures that can attack or trade for pure value to your opponent's face. Lastly, included in this deck are Get Excited and Noxian Fervor. The former is a classic finisher, the latter was added in with 1.0. So, take it for a spin and wreck some face! Noteable Upgrades for when you can afford them: Vladimir (Easy to level up with the self harm in this deck) and Darius (dealing 10 damage is quick with this deck).

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