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Writer's pictureNephilimGG

Freaks and Weebs: Aggro Disk of Circadia

kishkisan (or should I say diskisan) joins us to cover a new concoction of his, Aggro RP Disk!

My name is kishkisan and if you meet me on ladder, you will probably notice two things: First, I am playing disk, and second my name in now purple! I have made champion since my last article on peach of circadia, and I am here today to share a new deck that I believe can be one of the strongest in the current meta. Deck Overview Weebs and Freaks is an aggro deck that tries to win by turn 5-6. The deck wants to go face and only trade whenever it enables more minions to go face. Alacrity and Vulcan Brand are additions to the archetype that push the deck to relevance. This deck might actually be quite hard to play efficiently, with a lot of decision points every turn. Do you flip disk? What do you discard? Do you go all in on the board? These are all questions that you can answer as you build experience with the deck. Deck List Deck is very budget friendly with only mythic being Oak of Dodona. But even that can be cut perhaps in favor of magmataur. Why Disk of Circadia 1. The slayer buff that disk provides makes it very difficult for the opponent to block our minions. This means that the deck does not need to run removal to remove early game blockers and can allow us to snowball an early game board into alacrity for the win. [1] 2. Flipping disk while having no cards in hand allows us to skip the discard, this means that while in top deck mode, we get a free draw every other turn. Not only that we get a divination alongside it, so we can find the card we need to finish the game. 3. The disk pursuit is strong in comparison with other paths. Getting a free power activation allows us to set up the slayer for good trades, and later when we desire it, can give us a card. Game Plan The deck wants to build a board on turns 1-5 while trading/removing away blockers so our established board can go face, and set up for safe lanes for the shinobi of fire to attack through. Tips 1. If we need to flip disk, don’t be afraid to discard the least useful card in hand if we don’t have discard fodder. 2. Don’t be afraid to use alacrity to push some damage past early blockers, we have an excellent finisher with smite and the rush package to finish off any remaining life the opponent still has. 3. Flipping disk with empty hand allows us to bypass the discard while smiting. The making of the deck I have spent a lot of time refining this deck after the patch, but I almost lost hope of going onwards and was in a slump. A lot of credit is due to many members of the community, from words of encouragement when I was feeling very hopeless with making the deck work, to people who offered their unwavering support and friendship, and others who made changes and suggestions that were instrumental to the inception of the deck. And I am very proud and humbled to be a part of this community. Footnotes [1] I have to give credit here to Madoka for realizing this point while helping me refine the deck, this deck truly could have never been without his insights and his unrelenting desire to go face.

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DJ Gray
DJ Gray
Apr 08, 2020

You can really feel the work put into this deck while you play it. Great explanation and great deck!

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