The recent Master Mirror card expansion has brought us some fresh cards and decks to experiment with. And that's exactly what we're going to do! Today, I've brought to you another combo deck, this time utilizing a few of the new Syndicate cards from the Master Mirror expansion. The decklist is built around three different combos; Let's have a look at the cards individually!

Casino Bouncers, Sewer Raiders
These are the primary thinning cards, granting you more consistent draw on later rounds.
Ferko the Skulptor, Fisstech
Fisstech is the main removal card of this deck, and as it can sometimes be tricky to draw both Fisstechs on the same round, Ferko makes the odds to find them a little bit better. He also acts as a secondary thinning card.
Eavesdrop is one of the possible sources of coin, and makes cycling through your cards a little bit faster. Crime cards are usually good targets, as Ferko the Skulptor and Wild Card can fetch them from the bottom of the deck.
Greater Brothers
This card slot was originally meant for Dire Mutated Hound, but had to be swapped for Greater Brothers due to Ethereal's provision cost increase in the recent hotfix. Greater Brothers is still a very strong card and can wrap up a round easily thanks to its high point value.
Roderick de Wett
Roderick is one of the new cards from the latest expansion, and while there would likely be better inclusions for a 7 provision cost, I wanted to give newer cards a chance.
Passiflora, Passiflora Peaches, Sly Seductress
The Passiflora bundle, as I like to call it, is one of the three possible combo setups of the deck and I mostly included it due to it's capability of winning a round very easily. It works well together with the other combo setups as well.
Lieutenant Von Herst, Ethereal
Von Herst and Ethereal are two of the recently added cards and one of the three possible combo setups in the deck. When played side by side, Ethereal turns the 2-power Firesworn Zealots summoned by Von Herst into 4-power copies of Ethereal, which is significantly more powerful than Von Herst's ability to transform the Firesworn into Flaming Rose Footmen. In these circumstances the Fee ability can be ignored.
Ewald Borsodi, Dies Irae
Ewald Borsodi helps spend your coin to make room for more, while dealing damage to enemy units. He also helps set up for Dies Irae's Deathblow ability. Because the deck isn't fully Firesworn, Dies Irae's Deathblow effect is very important for maximum value.
Grand Inquisitor Helveed, Firesworn Scribe, Payroll Specialist
This is the main combo setup of the deck and the combo that inspired me to build around it. Together The Firesworn Scribes allow Inquisitor Helveed to summon an unlimited amount of Firesworn Zealots (hence the name Fireswarm), only limited by the board capacity. With the help of the Payroll Specialists, Inquisitor Helveed can fill both lanes to the brim, but usually they're used to move enemy units from their lanes to lock their abilities.
Helveed's and Von Herst's combos work very well together, Von Herst filling up one lane and Helveed filling up the other. In this case, Von Herst's Fee ability can come in handy to boost the units that Ethereal can't reach.
The original composition of the decklist used Helveed to fill the entire board, then boost the board with Bone Talisman. It used Hidden Cache to lower the Hoard limit for Sewer Raiders and Passiflora Peaches, but I switched it to Wild Card for more consistent draw. In addition to that, playing Fisstech from Wild Card allows you to play both Fisstechs on the same turn, without giving your opponent a chance to purify or defend the target.
That's all for today! This decklist took me a very long time to refine, and only after the expansion I was able to get the decklist to a point where I was satisfied with it. I hope it suits your needs! I wish everyone a fantastic day and stay tuned for more deck reviews!